Your pet may not love going to the vet, but we think that if they fully understood the importance of routine veterinary care, they would ask you to bring them to see our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team more often. A lot of prevention and screening is packed into your pet’s wellness visit—and much of it is designed to prevent life-threatening diseases or detect problems before they advance. 

We want to share a letter that one of our patients, Max the golden retriever, wrote to his pet parents about the importance of routine wellness care and the diseases it can prevent.

Dear Mom and Dad,

You know how much I adore our walks in the park, our playtime in the backyard, and, of course, all the belly rubs and treats you generously share. But there’s something I want to talk to you about because I know you always do your best to keep me safe and healthy. It’s about my wellness care and those trips we take to the vet. 

You see, these visits are more than just car rides and treats—they’re my shield against preventable pet diseases. I may not fully understand all the medical stuff, but I do know that these regular check-ups help keep me in tip-top shape. Let me tell you about a few things I’ve learned from the kind folks at Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco.

Dental disease

Remember when my breath got a little “interesting” a while back, and the vet told you I had dental disease? I had no idea that weird taste in my mouth was a problem! But, I learned that the dental check-ups the vet does at each visit are important to keep my teeth and gums healthy. They said that dental issues can be painful and lead to more significant health problems, so they recommended a dental cleaning. All I know is that I went to sleep and woke up with clean teeth. It was so easy! And now, you brush my teeth every night before bedtime. I didn’t love it at first, but I got used to it. And, I do love the treats I get for cooperating!


You know how much I love rolling in the grass and chasing after squirrels. But those adventures expose me to all sorts of critters, like fleas, ticks, and heartworms. Remember that time I had fleas? I was so itchy and you were vacuuming like crazy. The vet said that fleas can actually give pets and people dangerous diseases, and ticks can, too. I’m so grateful the medicine you give me every month keeps those creepy crawlies away.

I also like the special treats that prevent heartworms. I heard the vet telling you I can get heartworms from a mosquito bite. They said that heartworms can make me really sick and that some dogs die from them. No, thank you! Please keep giving me the treats to keep those pesky bugs at bay, so I can enjoy our outdoor fun without worrying about unwanted hitchhikers.


I may be a foodie at heart, and I’d love to eat all the treats, but I’ve seen what obesity can do to dogs like me. I’ve met dogs at the park who have joint disease, diabetes, and heart problems, and that doesn’t look like fun. Please keep measuring my food with that special cup, even if I ask for more. Deep down, I know that you’re doing what’s best for me so that I can stick around as long as possible, and enjoy every day to the fullest.

When I jump on the scale at every vet visit, I know the Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team is seeing if my weight has changed since last time so they can intercede on my behalf if you are letting me eat too much or skipping our daily walks. So far, we are doing great!

Senior pet issues

I’ve heard that as I get older, I might need extra TLC—and extra vet visits. Regular wellness visits can help the vet spot issues like arthritis, kidney disease, and cancer early on so that I can spend as much time as possible by your side. I know the things we are doing now will help ensure I stay comfortable and happy in my golden years.

I just wanted to say thank you for always looking out for me, even when I can’t speak up. Those trips to the vet might not be the most exciting part of my day, but I know they’re essential.

With love and endless tail wags,


Of course, we know that dogs can’t write letters. But, we think that if Max could write a letter, this is what he would say.  And, your pet’s letter would likely look similar. Your pet appreciates everything you do for them, and we love helping you keep them healthy and happy. Give our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team a call to schedule your pet’s next wellness visit.