Fleas and ticks are common external parasites that can cause more trouble than an itch or annoying bite. These parasites carry several diseases that can affect pets and people, some of which are serious or life-threatening. That means flea and tick prevention should be a part of every pet’s wellness plan. Our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team explains why these pesky parasites are dangerous to our four-legged friends.

The importance of flea and tick prevention

Fleas and ticks feed on mammals’ blood and can transmit many diseases through their bites. Both parasites thrive in warm, humid environments; however, they are now being found in northern and arid regions of the country because of increasingly warmer or more moderate temperatures. Some parasite-borne illnesses can cause lifelong damage, while others can be fatal. By putting your pet on flea and tick prevention regimen, you can protect them from the following parasitic diseases:

  • Parasitic dermatitis, an infection of the skin
  • Lyme disease
  • Bartonella, a disease that affects red blood cells
  • Ehrlichiosis, a bacterial infection that destroys white blood cells
  • Rickettsiae, a bacterial infection that causes multiple illnesses
  • Tapeworms
  • Meningoencephalitis, an infection of the brain and spinal cord
  • Plague

Protecting your pet through integrated flea and tick control 

Preventing flea and tick infestations from taking over your furry friend or home is easy and cost-effective. Our veterinary team can help you choose the most effective methods to keep your pet tick- and flea-free. Not only does prevention protect your four-legged friend, but it also protects you and your other human family members from zoonosis, or a disease that can be transferred between animals and people. 

Take the following steps to mitigate parasitic infection risks:

  • Determine the proper parasite preventive — Discuss your options with our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team so we can determine the right preventives for your pet. Oral medications are often prescribed because they are the most effective preventive medication.
  • Regularly inspect your pets and home — Check your pet and home for signs of fleas and ticks. Fleas often leave behind tiny, black specks on the skin and fur, while ticks can frequently be spotted when they become engorged with blood from feeding.

  • Keep your home tidy — Vacuum rugs and frequently wash all bedding, including your pet’s bed. Despite your best efforts, your pets can still track parasites, debris, and other foreign objects into your home, which makes keeping it in good order a key part of maintaining a parasite-free abode.
  • Maintain your lawn and garden — Fleas and ticks find tall grasses and weeds an irresistible place to reside. Make your yard parasite-unfriendly by cutting down weeds, overgrown shrubs, and tall grasses.
  • Maintain pet parasite prevention when traveling — If you’re traveling with your pet to another state, check with our veterinary team. Traveling may increase your pet’s risk of parasitic diseases or illnesses in areas where they are more prevalent. 
  • Use professional help for infestations — If your home is overrun with fleas, it’s best to call an insect control professional. Explain that you have furry friends in the home and inquire whether they have pet-safe chemicals to eliminate fleas. If not, you may need to find another place for your pet until all the chemicals used have dissipated.
  • A word about flea collars — Many pet owners may be tempted to use cheap collars to prevent fleas. Unfortunately, they are less effective than oral medications, and some flea collars are toxic to cats. In many regions of the country, fleas have developed a tolerance to topical flea preventives, making them ineffective.

Understanding the potential dangers fleas and ticks present and implementing appropriate prevention measures can help protect your pet and your family from infestations and the associated health risks.

Do you need help finding the best flea and tick preventives? Contact our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team for advice on the most effective flea and tick control products and strategies tailored to your pet’s needs and environment.