When we treat your pet for an issue, we do our best to manage their condition as efficiently as possible. However, there are some situations where a recheck exam is necessary to monitor your pet’s progress or check for complications. Keeping your pet’s recheck appointment is critical to ensure they fully recover so they can go back to enjoying normal life. Our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team shares five situations where recheck exams provide valuable insights for our team so we can help your furry family member get back on their paws.

Ear infections

An ear infection may seem like a minor health issue, but chronic or repeated ear infections can lead to long-term damage and hearing loss for your pet. Also, ear infections can be stubborn, so we must confirm the bacteria or yeast that caused the issue has been completely eliminated.  

If we diagnose your pet with an ear infection, it is critical that you return for their scheduled recheck exam. We will thoroughly examine your pet’s ears and check an ear swab sample under the microscope to look for any problematic yeast or bacteria. In some cases, initial treatment may provide your pet relief from their discomfort, but may not completely eliminate the infection. If this is the case, we may continue the prescribed treatment for a longer period or prescribe your pet a different medication.

Intestinal parasites

Recheck exams for intestinal parasite infections are essential to ensure the parasites are eliminated. While initial treatment can eliminate many parasites and alleviate symptoms, we want to ensure that no parasites remain, as some may be resistant to standard treatments. During your pet’s recheck exam, we will perform fecal testing to detect any residual parasites and adjust treatment if necessary. By staying diligent with recheck exams, we can help protect your pet from re-infection and ensure their continued well-being. 

Intestinal parasites are not only a threat to your pet, but also to other pets in your household and neighborhood, since the parasites are shed in the feces. By keeping your pet’s recheck appointment, you are also helping to keep other pets parasite-free.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections can lead to long-term damage to your pet’s urinary system, so it’s important to ensure the problem is completely resolved. Your pet’s follow-up exam allows our team to assess your pet’s progress and perform urinary testing to screen for bacteria, crystals, or other abnormalities that indicate the infection has not been cleared. If bacteria persist, we may perform a urine culture and sensitivity to determine exactly which type of bacteria is causing the infection and which antibiotics are most effective against it. Like any infection, we want to confirm that all bacteria are eliminated so they do not resurface to cause a more severe infection.


When your beloved pet undergoes surgery, whether it’s for a routine procedure or something more complex, their post-surgical recheck exam is critical. These exams help us assess the healing process and identify any potential complications. We will ensure that their incision is healing correctly and there are no adverse reactions to any medications they are taking. Post-surgical rechecks offer you and our team peace of mind, knowing that your pet is on the path to a full and healthy recovery.

Orthopedic procedures

Orthopedic procedures performed to correct a bone or joint issue require close follow-up care to ensure your pet is healing properly. Many orthopedic procedures involve implants, plates, and screws, and we will need to assess your pet’s recovery and healing. During this time, you will need to stick to strict exercise restriction guidelines, and recheck exams are important to confirm that your pet is staying calm and allowing their bones to heal. 

If your pet has a broken bone, periodic rechecks will be necessary to monitor their healing and check for any issues with their cast or splint. Casts and bandages that get wet or chewed can cause more harm than good and may require replacement. We will also need to periodically take X-rays to monitor your pet’s progress.

Recheck exams are not merely routine visits—they are a vital part of your pet’s recovery. At Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for your furry friend, and recheck exams are our way of ensuring that your pet’s journey to recovery is smooth and complete. If you have any questions about your pet’s recovery, reach out to our team—we are here to help.