Sniffing Out Canine Influenza: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention

When your pup starts sniffling, sneezing, and coughing, you may worry that they picked up your cold. However, cold viruses are generally species-specific, meaning people can share colds among one another, but pets aren’t affected by the same viruses. Canine influenza, on the other hand, is a contagious respiratory infection that can affect dogs of [...]

Tick Talk: Understanding Lyme Disease in Pets

Although Florida is not a U.S. Lyme disease hotbed, many Floridians visit northern states with their pets or live up north during part of the year, where tick populations and Lyme disease risk are much higher. To learn how to protect your four-legged friend from this tick-borne threat, read our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco [...]

The Importance of Feline Parasite Prevention

Your feline friend’s health and well-being are your priority. One of the best ways to maintain your cat’s optimal health is to ensure they receive year-round parasite prevention. Keeping your cat indoors may reduce but does not eliminate their parasite transmission risk, especially if you have other pets. Our team at Advanced Veterinary Care of [...]

How to Decode Your Pet’s Behavior

Our pets can’t tell us what they’re feeling, but their behavior communicates their needs. Any changes in your pet’s behavior are worth investigating, although some changes are more obvious than others. Our team at Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco is here to help you decipher your pet’s behavior so you can ensure your furry pal [...]

The Power of Recheck Exams: Ensuring Your Pet’s Health and Happiness

When we treat your pet for an issue, we do our best to manage their condition as efficiently as possible. However, there are some situations where a recheck exam is necessary to monitor your pet’s progress or check for complications. Keeping your pet’s recheck appointment is critical to ensure they fully recover so they can [...]

A Dog’s Perspective: How Routine Wellness Care Keeps Me Healthy

Your pet may not love going to the vet, but we think that if they fully understood the importance of routine veterinary care, they would ask you to bring them to see our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team more often. A lot of prevention and screening is packed into your pet’s wellness visit—and much [...]

Pet Vaccinations: An In-Depth Guide

Vaccinations are a cornerstone of your pet’s preventive care and provide essential protection against infectious diseases. However, vaccination is a hotly debated topic among pet owners, and plotting your own course can be challenging. To help you make decisions about your pet’s vaccinations, our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team shares our in-depth guide that [...]

The 5 W’s of Pet Wellness Care

You know your pet should receive regular wellness care, but do you know why it’s so important? Many pet owners understand that their pet’s annual wellness visit includes a physical exam and vaccinations, but do not realize that these preventive care visits involve much more. To highlight the importance of your pet’s preventive care, our [...]

Where Should I Get My Pet’s Prescription Filled?

If your pet needs medication or specialty food, you have many options to fill the prescription. Should you go to the large pet store on the corner, use the bargain online site, or turn to your veterinarian? Our Advanced Veterinary Care of Pasco team places a priority on your pet’s wellbeing, and we explain why [...]

5 Reasons You Must Not Skip Your Pet’s Annual Blood Work

Most pet owners understand the importance of appropriate annual vaccinations for their pets but not the value of annual blood work. Several standard blood tests are recommended during your pet’s wellness screening, because they provide you and your pet with innumerable benefits.  Wellness screening tests are essential for assessing your furry pal’s overall wellbeing. Depending [...]

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